Small Storage Capacity

Pro menší skladovací kapacity cca do 100 m3 jsou použity stojaté válcové nádrže s průměrem do 2,5 m (bezproblémový převoz na kamionu) o efektivním objemu 20 m3. Povrchy nádrží, ventily, armatury a další součásti skladu oleje jsou vždy vyrobeny z materiálů, které jsou vhodné pro použití v potravinářství a vynikají vysokou odolností a stálostí.

Technology Description

The entry of oil into the tank is directed from the bottom. This solution significantly reduces oxidation and potential foaming of oil, compared to influx from the top, where the falling oil is oxidized and foams at the surface. The inlet is regulated by a remotely controlled valve, which allows operators to choose where the oil should flow. The outlet is placed always at the lowest point of the tank, which therefore does not need any other drainage outlet. If the oil turnover is steady, without extensive interruptions, desludging of the sediment is not necessary.

Technical Parameters

The technology of oil storage is offered at a wide spectrum of capacities and individual solutions are always optimized according to the customer’s requirements.


The company Farmet offers optional accessories that will satisfy even the most demanding customers. However, the most convenient solutions are usually our turnkey deliveries, which are optimized from both the technical and economic perspectives, meet all your requirements and include the automatization of the entire process.
